Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama is Cold

I have limited time tonight but wanted to copy down a great segment of the Rush show. It's been revealed that the lord, the most merciful, Barack Obama, who once said in a rally speech, "I am my brother's keeper...I am my sister's keeper" referring to how he'll "take care" of us helpless US citizens, has both a brother living in a hut in poverty in Nairobe and an aunt, who he praises in his book that made him millions, living in the slums of Boston. I ask, my faithful readers, what kind of compassion is that? He says he's concerned about the poor helpless widow working two jobs or the fat family from his infomercial last night complaining because they have to ration snack foods? He doesn't even care about his own family! Ya know why? Because he wants you and me to take care of his family. He'll tax what we earn and give it out as welfare to his beloved aunt who lives in the Boston projects. Anyway, here's the Rush transcript, immediately following an Obama sound bite where Obama said, "McCain and Palin call me socialistic; since when did they make a virtue out of selfishness?"
RUSH: A virtue out of selfishness? Lookit. We're not talking charity here, Senator Obama. When you use the government to take what people have produced, that's thug behaviour. When you force the long arm of government into people's bank accounts, that's not charity. And what is this virtue of selfishness? Sir, if there's anybody selfish in this race, it's you. Your aunt lives in a slum in boston. Your brother lives in a hut in Kenya. Hut sweet hut. Slum sweet slum. Selfish!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

That statement can't be iterated enough. Since I'm knowledgeable and educated about the issues, I always choose to vote for those who will fight for conservative ideologies. That's not because my preacher tells me to or because I like the way candidates speak, it's because history, economics, philosophy, and psychology tell us conservative ideas are so much stronger and create the greatest good for the greatest number. So every election year, I go on my rant about these things and try to make my points. But this year is different from any other. Algore, the haughty John Kerry, and others have been liberal democrats whose ideologies I simply refute. Obama represents something I've never seen, though. I alluded in my last post to the pigs from Animal Farm but that's no longer a joke. In all seriousness, Obama is one of the pigs. I'm more disturbed now than ever about him. He has chosen for his entire political career to pal around with a riff-raff of capitalist haters, palestinian terrorists and bigots (and I can document every bit of that). There are recordings and videos of him all over the place saying crazy things like how it's sad that America today so closely resembles Nazi Germany and how the Constitution is fatally flawed. I think he has painted a picture that we're in a terrible position and he is the only one who can save us (he is, after all, the most merciful, the lord Barack Obama). That's not a disrespect to God, by the way, I'm mocking Obama because his bigot paster called him the messiah. I think he's out to assume a power like no US president has ever had. He's endorsed by Hugo Chavez, Fidell Castro, Iran's parliament, and Hamas. He's an Animal Farm pig. He will assume power and not want to give it up. This election year, forget all the other issues. This guy is the closest thing to a dictator we've ever had. We MUST keep him from having power. I don't have time to go more into it, but for any who haven't watched the new star wars movies, it's definitely worth a watch. The movies are all about a senator slowly but surely climbing the political ranks, scaring the people, getting himself elected as chancellor because he has good charisma, and ultimately, in the midst of a war, convincing the republic to vote him emergency empirical power, saying it's for their own safety that he, with sadness, assumes such power. The crowd cheers and applauds and celebrates as their new emperor stands before them. After becoming emperor, of course, he never gave it up. I'm not really saying that kind of extreme thing will happen, but I think Obama is trying to take us in similar directions. In the third movie, when all this finally comes to culmination, another senator says it best..."So this is how liberty thunderous applause."

Friday, October 24, 2008

Psychological Destruction

Election years are often full of concrete issues that really only scratch the surface, so let's go deeper into the driving forces of what liberalism does to a state of mind over time. Perhaps this will help explain why I believe so passionately in conservatism. It's not about abortion, lower taxes and immigration. I mean those things are definitely important, but the real driving forces are at the level of the psyche. I mentioned in the post "Conservatism 101" some of the reasons I can't support liberal ideas of Robin Hood tax policies, mainly that they don't work and it's unethical. Tip of the iceberg. The real issue here is about dignity and personal responsibility. Liberals pride themselves on being the party that cares about the little guy and is full of compassion, while accusing conservatives of being racist rich white guys that only care about their own greed. Liberals then promise if they're in power, they'll raise the taxes on the rich and "spread the wealth around." This might seem noble. After all, no one likes poverty. But this isn't Sherwood Forest. The problem with that mentality is that it breeds dependency. This is especially true with race issues. How long have liberals basically spread the message that, "you can't get out of your rut on your own because America is full of greedy white guys so let us do it for you. We'll give you some handouts." For that, the liberals get a lot of the black vote and the people get very meager handouts pried out of the hands of the people who actually earned the money. The handouts are not enough to help the receivers, though, so they remain poor. Then liberals preach the message again. "Why are you poor? Because America is racist and white folks are greedy." This trend continues and people are ultimately taught to believe that their poverty and difficult state of life is due to circumstances they can't control. They come to believe they can't help themselves even if they try because "the man" and "the system" are against them. Yes, in some cases, racism really does play a negative factor in this country. But while liberals are busy telling them, "it's not your fault" and "you can't help yourself," I'd rather get out the message that yes, you CAN help yourself. That's the principle the whole country is built on. Look at what Dr. King for this country. He didn't allow himself to be full of feelings of helplessness. He instead had the balls and the confidence to do something positive with his life even though, in his time, the country actually was against him. People can help themselves in this country, and for their own state of mind, self-sufficiency is the only way to go. But if you surround yourself with CNN or (P)MSNBC and constantly hear this negativity, you believe otherwise. If you go to churches led by bigots like Jeremiah Wright, who teaches little more than hate and rage, you believe otherwise. If you buy the lie that your circumstances are everyone else's fault but your own, you believe otherwise. That's why it's important to get away from these gloom-and-doomers and surround yourself with positive people. We all need help sometimes, but many poor people, especially black people, have gotten locked into a state of dependency by being taught their entire lives that they're not capable of helping themselves. They're taught that only Democrats can help them. After years and years of voting for Democrats, however, their situation only gets worse. FDR's New Deal didn't work, Johnson's Great Society didn't work and no handouts that take away a person's self-dignity are going to help. That's why conservatives are the truly compassionate. It was stated brilliantly by Rush this week...conservatives measure compassion not by how many people they give handouts to, but by how many people no longer need handouts at all. We tell people they CAN take care of themselves. They can be dignified productive members of society and become self-sufficient, living lives freed of the shackles of dependency. I believe this is the last thing liberals want them to understand. Like the pigs in Animal Farm, their whole success depends upon creating dependency. They scare us into thinking we can't get along without their help then keep propagating that lie until we know longer remember the truth that we DON'T need them wiping our butts for us. I realise this is a serious charge, but I would encourage anyone reading this to at least consider the possibility: Why has the black population continued to meet with little success in this country when other minorities have been doing well? Because liberals teaching hate and rage and helplessness have destroyed the black family. And now they claim they're the only ones that can help them, by giving handouts to the very people they have caused to be non self-sufficient. This liberal lie works because with the human psyche, it's the easy way out for people to be negative and blame their problems on others and hang their heads in defeat, doing none of the hard work of turning their lives around. It's easy to listen to bigots like Wright and Jesse Jackson who say it's not your fault because it makes you feel like you have an excuse for failure. The liberals have utilised this human trait to their advantage and it sickens me.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Keeps Denying Ties

It seems every time I turn on the news, Barack Obama is having to defend himself against ties to a new shady character. First it was the biggot pastor of his church of 20 years, "Rev." Jeremiah Wright, a man who apparently uses the pulpit to spread racism, saying America is against black people and decreeing, therefore, "God damn America" to thunderous applause from the congregation. 20 years of going to this church and Obama apparently never heard anything he didn't like. But in an amazing coincidence, as soon as he runs for president and Wright's numbskullery becomes public knowledge, Obama suddenly hears the racism of Wright and denounces him. Next it was his ties to the liberal scum who have put us in a financial wreck by promoting affirmative action and giving outlandish mortgage loans to people who couldn't pay them back, all in the name of "trying to help the poor." There's a reason that form of "helping" the poor doesn't work and now we all see why. Of course the ones primarily responsible aren't man enough to admit it, but those who keep up know it was Franklin Raines (former CEO canned for embezzlement), Barnie Frank (ultra-liberal from New England who lies through his teeth about being responsible for this), Chris Dodd (another congressman) and Bill Clinton, who himself called out the other 3 but won't admit anything himself, even though this link provides proof that he was just as involved in lowering restrictions on what it took to get huge loans. Obama of course is tied to these idiots as well but as always has to deny it. After that, it was the domestic terrorist William Ayers who, with the group "Wesather Underground" bombed federal buildings and even a government official's home in the 1960's. News once again got out that Obama was buddies with him and Obama had to, once again, try to deny it, saying, "well, I didn't know at the time he had done this stuff." I doubt it...Obama read the man's entire book that he wrote in the '90's, giving it a great review, and appeared with him on stage at one point giving a joint speech with him. Does anyone really believe that in all that, he never caught wind of the fact that this guy had committed such crimes? Most recently, it's ACORN. He's trying to say he wasn't really involved with them. Well, as an attorney, he defended them in a lawsuit against Illinois. He has also spoken for them at least once at a meeting or rally or something like that and has been a guest trainer for some of their training programs. He has also been quoted as saying to ACORN at a speech, "I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career." (Summer 2008). The very latest I have now heard is people signing a petition in defense of William "The Domestic Terrorist" Ayers. Included in the list of petitioners is the infamous University of Colorado - Boulder professor Ward Churchill who made news after he taught his students that Sept. 11 victims were Nazis and was ultimately fired for plagiarism. can I get on this petition of honourable men? Anyway, the point is, another signer is another professor, Rashid Khalidi, who is a university professor but also was a part of an organisation the US government labeled as a known terrorist organisation (the group is called the Palestinian Liberation Organisation). And guess who is buddies with him? You guessed it...Obama has reminisced about the guy's wife's good cooking and offered tribute to him at a farewell dinner ( but now tries to say he never really liked him and the two were never close. Now, any of these Obama denials of knowing and liking all these scum bags might be true...who am I to say? I just can't help but notice the unusually large amount of shady characters that he has ties to. I mean who cares whether he was best friends with these people or not...the point is that with every new day, we learn of a new corrupt organisation or shady fellow that Obama has willingly associated himself with in the past and now has to defend himself. I'm getting tired of hearing it. At some point, whether we believe him or not, we have to realise that he knows a hell of a lot more sleezebags than any of us do and there is plenty of evidence that he not only knows these sleazebags but has willingly associated himself with them on multiple occasions. The election is close, peeps. McCain is not the perfect answer. No one is. But if you're planning to vote for Obama, you better seriously question your conscience on it. I've tried to get the word out about who he really is since the mainstream media won't do it. He's a shady, corrupt guy from the Windy City who just happens to speak very eloquently. I hope that latter point won't lead anyone to vote for him in spite of all the other evidence.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still Proud to be Conservative

I'm a knock-off of John McCain, or at least I was. As an adademic and someone who loves intellectual discussions and productive debates, I've always tried to be very careful when approaching political issues. I want to assure the other person that I'm objective and neutral and open-minded. That I respect their ideas and opinions on these issues. I have always thought that's the best way to approach the situation. But the more this election year moves on, the more I move away from that kind of thinking. For one thing, I've learned that the average human being is little more than a hungry wolf who can and will walk all over and abuse anyone showing signs of weakness or submission. I've learned that for all I give, for all the times I keep my mouth shut in the name of preserving the peace, for all I try to put myself in the shoes of liberals to understand them better, there is only one result...they get more and more arrogant and mocking and disrespectful toward me and my viewpoints. They don't realise that I'm choosing to be soft and take it easy on them. They develop the false idea I don't really have a stance or that I don't really know what I'm talking about. Quite the illusion. I predict about 75% of the time I'm in a political discussion with people, I know more than they do. Yet, since the average person knows nothing of humility or wisdom, they naturally seize the offensive and try to tell me where I'm wrong while I, the one who actually knows more, take the low road and let them speak. Well lately I'm just pissed off and irritable enough to officially put an end to all this. I've tried to be patient and respectful to liberals and that time is over. They're going to the polls, knowing next to nothing about how economics works or what their candidate stands for, and they're gonna cast votes for a candidate who will play the same old Robin-Hood tax policies as all other democrats do...taking away money from hard working people, productive businesses and those not afraid to take risks and giving it to people who don't work and don't take risks and don't help the economy. I will hurt from this, as will everyone else. It's funny, I thought Obama claimed to be all about change? High taxes, especially on oil companies, appealing to poor people by giving them the warm fuzzies while he's actually got nothing of substance, accusing businesses of being big meanies, outrageous promises like how we'll be energy independent in 10 years (what??????!!!!!), raising my taxes even though I should be in about the lowest bracket in the country, fighting for the atrocity of abortion while calling it the "ethical" thing to do? Where the *$%& is the change? Doesn't anyone notice this? There's nothing new here! And why McCain doesn't jump on this is beyond my capacity. Another thing that makes me unashamedly proud to be conservative is, once again, the supporters of the liberals bring shame to themselves and the entire party. Madonna, as she's launching a new tour, says Palin isn't welcome to attend. In what universe is that acceptable? If a Republican entertainer (like they exist) said that about Obama, the news media would be all over it! PLUS, the entertainer would forever be billed as a racist. But as long as it's directed against Palin, it's OK. We've learned a valuable truth lately...there is no such thing as feminism. We've all been duped into thinking feminists are trying to empower women but these very people HATE Sarah Palin like nothing I've ever seen. It never was about feminism, it was about liberalism. Now I admit, this is not Obama's fault, but the fact is the Democrat party, much more prevalently than the other side, is constantly characterised by double standards, childish behaviour, and hypocracy. I'll take on anyone any day that disagrees with that. I compare myself to McCain because we're both too nice, too eager to see the other side's view point, too eager to give and give and give, too eager to get trampled over by wolves. I'm glad I've realised this. I hope McCain realises it too, like now, in time to save his campaign. And anyone who votes for Obama better be ready for a well-thought-out answer as to why you voted to raise my taxes and increase the government's authority over my liberties in the name of "social programs" that have failed miserably, from FDR's New Deal to Johnson's Great Society. Failure after failure after failure, just like communism. And yet more than half the nation is ready to walk right back into it again.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


There are many reasons to pray. Asking God for things we want is only one reason, but I erroneously used the word "prayer" in my last post. I should specify I'm talking about PETITION here, not prayer all together. So the question becomes, "Why Petition?"

Why Pray?

As I've experienced loneliness on and off over the last number of years, I've questioned more and more what is the purpose of praying? Growing up, I never questioned this, no doubt due to the fact that I had a more blessed upbringing, free of pain and hardship, than I could have ever imagined. When things went great, I thanked God for them and assumed he had granted my prayer requests. For those prayers he didn't grant, I praised him anyway, as prescribed by Scripture, thinking his denial would work out for my good. Now I'm not saying those ideas are wrong, but I've learned that a heavy dose of pain is a substantial force against a man's faith. In the last few years, in bitterness, frustration, and confusion, I've been unable to hold to that old attitude of mine and it's made me ponder the purpose of prayer all together. The Scripture, especially in the NT, goes on and on and on about the importance of praying constantly. It tells us to approach God humbly yet boldly and present our needs to him and to be persistent. I note on the latter point that I never cared for the idea of persistence and it was likely that point that was the catalyst in making me start questioning things. I mean, why should I have to be persistent? Doesn't that seem like a game? It seems more logical to me that a person comes before God and begs his help and God either says, "I am willing" or, "No, my grace is sufficient for you." But why the "game" of making us ask and ask and ask (be aware, I'm not trying to be demeaning or disrespectful to God; I'm just addressing philosophical ideas and asking questions about what I've experienced in life.) Aside from it seeming like a game, and almost patronising, I also don't care for the parable in Scripture that talks about being persistent. It's the only time, to my memory, God compares himself to a villain. He says, in this regard, that he's like an unrighteous judge. A widow goes to him begging for mercy and he has no interest in helping her, but since she bugs the crap of him, he finally helps her just to shut her up. Again, that just doesn't set well with me. That kind of comparison of how God responds to our desperate requests does not give me images of him being a refuge I can run to when I'm weak. To carry this even deeper, what happens when one does follow that prescription and is persistent for years and years and years and still doesn't see God's help? I've been praying for help with my loneliness for quite a long long time. And I'm not narrow-minded either. I pray for provision of an appropriate companion, or for the ability to go on alone, or for the faith to deal with the pain, or for some other option I haven't considered, yet the roller coaster of pain rolls right on as if I never spoke a word to God. I don't consider my request to be something out of selfish want either. Admittedly that's part of it, but it's also not like asking God for a hot new sports car. The need for companionship was built into us by him and there many other reasons why this is an important thing, even including needing the support of a helper to serve God better in a difficult life (I truly believe a married couple is worth more than the sum of the two individuals in serving God). I could certainly use some help with problems I've been unable to conquer. Yet still, every prayer I've prayed, through tears and grieving, has been denied as I've watched every one I know move on to companionship, leaving me feeling more alone than ever. But I point is NOT to complain about my love life but to question: why do we pray? I've spent, cummulatively, so many hours in prayer over this, it's unfathomable. And at least up to this point, it seems every one of them has proven to be a complete waste of time. Another major moment in my life that led to this is when my grandfather was dying in the hospital. I volunteered to stay up with him all night while my folks got some much-needed sleep. I won't get into the strange events of the evening, but in summary, my grandfather was afflicted by some unknown "suffering" that had him constantly looking down at his legs saying, "get away from me" and "leave me alone." I would go to the nurses' station for help and they would brush me off. I'd try to talk to my granddad and he'd say he was suffering and I didn't know what to do. I prayed and prayed and prayed in desperation, even taking trips down to the chapel every so often to kneel before God and beg for help, but it never came. For hours this went on, and I was completely alone. God was no where. And I finally, of course, lost it and broke down. I would say my relationship with God was never the same again after that night. I have never had as much trust in prayer since these events. Obviously, I want to be restored to the level of faith I used to have and I strive toward that, but I can't ignore the things I've seen either. Way too many times I've needed God badly and he has not come, so to this day, I have to struggle to force myself to pray. So why do I bother to force it if it's unproductive? The only answer I have is that I pray because Scripture tells me to. I hope that humble belief in Scripture, with no other evidence that prayer is worth anything, will be pleasing to God because at the moment, it's all I have to offer. I still petition but I long for my younger days when it made more sense to me to do so. It's hard to hold on to God's promises when they seem to abandon you. Perhaps the Teacher was right..."I consider the dead who have already died to be more fortunate than the living who are still alive. But better than both are those who have never been, who have never had to see the evil that occurs on the earth." In the mean time, I'll keep doing my best to pray as Scripture commands and trying to trust that there is a higher purpose for it. I look forward to the day this difficult life is past and we all have eternity to look forward to together. Unfortunately, to get to that point, there is a very difficult life ahead. And it looks like, for the moment, I'll have to keep facing that difficult life alone. Bummer.