Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Keeps Denying Ties

It seems every time I turn on the news, Barack Obama is having to defend himself against ties to a new shady character. First it was the biggot pastor of his church of 20 years, "Rev." Jeremiah Wright, a man who apparently uses the pulpit to spread racism, saying America is against black people and decreeing, therefore, "God damn America" to thunderous applause from the congregation. 20 years of going to this church and Obama apparently never heard anything he didn't like. But in an amazing coincidence, as soon as he runs for president and Wright's numbskullery becomes public knowledge, Obama suddenly hears the racism of Wright and denounces him. Next it was his ties to the liberal scum who have put us in a financial wreck by promoting affirmative action and giving outlandish mortgage loans to people who couldn't pay them back, all in the name of "trying to help the poor." There's a reason that form of "helping" the poor doesn't work and now we all see why. Of course the ones primarily responsible aren't man enough to admit it, but those who keep up know it was Franklin Raines (former CEO canned for embezzlement), Barnie Frank (ultra-liberal from New England who lies through his teeth about being responsible for this), Chris Dodd (another congressman) and Bill Clinton, who himself called out the other 3 but won't admit anything himself, even though this link provides proof that he was just as involved in lowering restrictions on what it took to get huge loans. Obama of course is tied to these idiots as well but as always has to deny it. After that, it was the domestic terrorist William Ayers who, with the group "Wesather Underground" bombed federal buildings and even a government official's home in the 1960's. News once again got out that Obama was buddies with him and Obama had to, once again, try to deny it, saying, "well, I didn't know at the time he had done this stuff." I doubt it...Obama read the man's entire book that he wrote in the '90's, giving it a great review, and appeared with him on stage at one point giving a joint speech with him. Does anyone really believe that in all that, he never caught wind of the fact that this guy had committed such crimes? Most recently, it's ACORN. He's trying to say he wasn't really involved with them. Well, as an attorney, he defended them in a lawsuit against Illinois. He has also spoken for them at least once at a meeting or rally or something like that and has been a guest trainer for some of their training programs. He has also been quoted as saying to ACORN at a speech, "I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career." (Summer 2008). The very latest I have now heard is people signing a petition in defense of William "The Domestic Terrorist" Ayers. Included in the list of petitioners is the infamous University of Colorado - Boulder professor Ward Churchill who made news after he taught his students that Sept. 11 victims were Nazis and was ultimately fired for plagiarism. can I get on this petition of honourable men? Anyway, the point is, another signer is another professor, Rashid Khalidi, who is a university professor but also was a part of an organisation the US government labeled as a known terrorist organisation (the group is called the Palestinian Liberation Organisation). And guess who is buddies with him? You guessed it...Obama has reminisced about the guy's wife's good cooking and offered tribute to him at a farewell dinner ( but now tries to say he never really liked him and the two were never close. Now, any of these Obama denials of knowing and liking all these scum bags might be true...who am I to say? I just can't help but notice the unusually large amount of shady characters that he has ties to. I mean who cares whether he was best friends with these people or not...the point is that with every new day, we learn of a new corrupt organisation or shady fellow that Obama has willingly associated himself with in the past and now has to defend himself. I'm getting tired of hearing it. At some point, whether we believe him or not, we have to realise that he knows a hell of a lot more sleezebags than any of us do and there is plenty of evidence that he not only knows these sleazebags but has willingly associated himself with them on multiple occasions. The election is close, peeps. McCain is not the perfect answer. No one is. But if you're planning to vote for Obama, you better seriously question your conscience on it. I've tried to get the word out about who he really is since the mainstream media won't do it. He's a shady, corrupt guy from the Windy City who just happens to speak very eloquently. I hope that latter point won't lead anyone to vote for him in spite of all the other evidence.


Scott and Beth said...

Jonathan, are so close-minded. These corrupt people can be rehabilitated. Hehe…

Jonathan said...

Yeah...just look at Obama. Wait...

Scott and Beth said...

Here's the problem: 80% of American's don't understand how this country works, politics in general or the flat out bias of the media. So when Obama gets up and says "no, I didn't do that." They go "He didn't do any of that, didn't you hear him say he didn't." and that's the end of it. The majority of the American people have no desire to find out the truth.