Friday, October 24, 2008

Psychological Destruction

Election years are often full of concrete issues that really only scratch the surface, so let's go deeper into the driving forces of what liberalism does to a state of mind over time. Perhaps this will help explain why I believe so passionately in conservatism. It's not about abortion, lower taxes and immigration. I mean those things are definitely important, but the real driving forces are at the level of the psyche. I mentioned in the post "Conservatism 101" some of the reasons I can't support liberal ideas of Robin Hood tax policies, mainly that they don't work and it's unethical. Tip of the iceberg. The real issue here is about dignity and personal responsibility. Liberals pride themselves on being the party that cares about the little guy and is full of compassion, while accusing conservatives of being racist rich white guys that only care about their own greed. Liberals then promise if they're in power, they'll raise the taxes on the rich and "spread the wealth around." This might seem noble. After all, no one likes poverty. But this isn't Sherwood Forest. The problem with that mentality is that it breeds dependency. This is especially true with race issues. How long have liberals basically spread the message that, "you can't get out of your rut on your own because America is full of greedy white guys so let us do it for you. We'll give you some handouts." For that, the liberals get a lot of the black vote and the people get very meager handouts pried out of the hands of the people who actually earned the money. The handouts are not enough to help the receivers, though, so they remain poor. Then liberals preach the message again. "Why are you poor? Because America is racist and white folks are greedy." This trend continues and people are ultimately taught to believe that their poverty and difficult state of life is due to circumstances they can't control. They come to believe they can't help themselves even if they try because "the man" and "the system" are against them. Yes, in some cases, racism really does play a negative factor in this country. But while liberals are busy telling them, "it's not your fault" and "you can't help yourself," I'd rather get out the message that yes, you CAN help yourself. That's the principle the whole country is built on. Look at what Dr. King for this country. He didn't allow himself to be full of feelings of helplessness. He instead had the balls and the confidence to do something positive with his life even though, in his time, the country actually was against him. People can help themselves in this country, and for their own state of mind, self-sufficiency is the only way to go. But if you surround yourself with CNN or (P)MSNBC and constantly hear this negativity, you believe otherwise. If you go to churches led by bigots like Jeremiah Wright, who teaches little more than hate and rage, you believe otherwise. If you buy the lie that your circumstances are everyone else's fault but your own, you believe otherwise. That's why it's important to get away from these gloom-and-doomers and surround yourself with positive people. We all need help sometimes, but many poor people, especially black people, have gotten locked into a state of dependency by being taught their entire lives that they're not capable of helping themselves. They're taught that only Democrats can help them. After years and years of voting for Democrats, however, their situation only gets worse. FDR's New Deal didn't work, Johnson's Great Society didn't work and no handouts that take away a person's self-dignity are going to help. That's why conservatives are the truly compassionate. It was stated brilliantly by Rush this week...conservatives measure compassion not by how many people they give handouts to, but by how many people no longer need handouts at all. We tell people they CAN take care of themselves. They can be dignified productive members of society and become self-sufficient, living lives freed of the shackles of dependency. I believe this is the last thing liberals want them to understand. Like the pigs in Animal Farm, their whole success depends upon creating dependency. They scare us into thinking we can't get along without their help then keep propagating that lie until we know longer remember the truth that we DON'T need them wiping our butts for us. I realise this is a serious charge, but I would encourage anyone reading this to at least consider the possibility: Why has the black population continued to meet with little success in this country when other minorities have been doing well? Because liberals teaching hate and rage and helplessness have destroyed the black family. And now they claim they're the only ones that can help them, by giving handouts to the very people they have caused to be non self-sufficient. This liberal lie works because with the human psyche, it's the easy way out for people to be negative and blame their problems on others and hang their heads in defeat, doing none of the hard work of turning their lives around. It's easy to listen to bigots like Wright and Jesse Jackson who say it's not your fault because it makes you feel like you have an excuse for failure. The liberals have utilised this human trait to their advantage and it sickens me.


Scott and Beth said...

Bill Cosby is a PRIME example of a black man who says get out and work and make something of yourself. I love that man-he ticks black people off all the time becuase of his message as well. I seen a bumper sticker years ago and I kinda chuckled at it but now that liberalism has gotten so out of hand it's no longer funny but just plain truth. It said "Vote Democrat, it's easier than getting a job." That's the exact message that Obama is spreading. We're gonna take money from the people that worked hard and give it to you so you don't have to. I honestly believe the #2 problem in America today is people being lazy. They want handouts and want to be given everyhting instead of earning it. I am convinced that this and sin is what will be the collapse of America.

Jonathan said...

These are good comments you've been leaving...I also really like Cosby for the way he unashamedly pronounces the truth. Chris Rock also did something like that in his routine about the difference between black people and a word I won't use. That standup act, funny as it was, had so many truths in it it gives me chills but unfortunately it was received with negativity, no doubt because it infringed on the safety bubble many have created for themselves by believing their failures are not their faults.

Scott and Beth said...

Often times when people are presented with truth, rather than listening and realizing that change is needed, they instead draw up and strike back in fear that they will have to step out in faith to change. Most are unwilling to do that as they have no hope in their future. People are relying on themsleves to get through life. When you think dieing is the end, it makes you less prone to taking risks. When you know that your Lord and Savior is waiting for you on the other side of eternity, I think you're more willing to step out. I got kinda side-tracked on that-but my point is, the reason people don't like to hear that is that it means they should change and they don't want to. I guess that's what I'm getting at.

Jonathan said...

I agree completely. It's a terrifying step to take. Much more comfortable to stay in the bubble and take fewer risks.