Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

That statement can't be iterated enough. Since I'm knowledgeable and educated about the issues, I always choose to vote for those who will fight for conservative ideologies. That's not because my preacher tells me to or because I like the way candidates speak, it's because history, economics, philosophy, and psychology tell us conservative ideas are so much stronger and create the greatest good for the greatest number. So every election year, I go on my rant about these things and try to make my points. But this year is different from any other. Algore, the haughty John Kerry, and others have been liberal democrats whose ideologies I simply refute. Obama represents something I've never seen, though. I alluded in my last post to the pigs from Animal Farm but that's no longer a joke. In all seriousness, Obama is one of the pigs. I'm more disturbed now than ever about him. He has chosen for his entire political career to pal around with a riff-raff of capitalist haters, palestinian terrorists and bigots (and I can document every bit of that). There are recordings and videos of him all over the place saying crazy things like how it's sad that America today so closely resembles Nazi Germany and how the Constitution is fatally flawed. I think he has painted a picture that we're in a terrible position and he is the only one who can save us (he is, after all, the most merciful, the lord Barack Obama). That's not a disrespect to God, by the way, I'm mocking Obama because his bigot paster called him the messiah. I think he's out to assume a power like no US president has ever had. He's endorsed by Hugo Chavez, Fidell Castro, Iran's parliament, and Hamas. He's an Animal Farm pig. He will assume power and not want to give it up. This election year, forget all the other issues. This guy is the closest thing to a dictator we've ever had. We MUST keep him from having power. I don't have time to go more into it, but for any who haven't watched the new star wars movies, it's definitely worth a watch. The movies are all about a senator slowly but surely climbing the political ranks, scaring the people, getting himself elected as chancellor because he has good charisma, and ultimately, in the midst of a war, convincing the republic to vote him emergency empirical power, saying it's for their own safety that he, with sadness, assumes such power. The crowd cheers and applauds and celebrates as their new emperor stands before them. After becoming emperor, of course, he never gave it up. I'm not really saying that kind of extreme thing will happen, but I think Obama is trying to take us in similar directions. In the third movie, when all this finally comes to culmination, another senator says it best..."So this is how liberty thunderous applause."

1 comment:

Scott and Beth said...

When race is considered in American's votes, who the canidate was friends with and their ideology no longer matters. Race trumps all of that.