Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Aurora Borealis

Yesterday turned out to be a very Alaskan day. I got my Alaska plates during lunch , then after work I attended a lecture on volcanology and the volcanoes of Alaska. (In case there's any confusion, attending science lectures in your free time IS cool.) On my way home from that, I noticed the Northern Lights were active, so I got back in the car and started driving out of the city to get higher and to escape the city lights. And while doing that, I almost plowed over a moose that was walking down the road. The Lights were pretty amazing. Nothing as spectacular as pictures you've probably seen, but it was pretty impressive to see them at all considering they weren't even forecast to be active, it was much earlier than when they are normally active, and there was a full moon (lots of glare). It was all green and a little faint. Thus, sadly, my humble camera couldn't capture it. Luckily, I found the above photo online that looks pretty similar and used it...tee hee.


Scott and Beth said...

I was watching a show on Northern Lights just the other day. Fun fact: Oxygen causes two of the colors green (the most common) and red. Nitrogen creates a blue and redish-purple.

daniel said...

fun fact #2: that green stuff is the photographer's shirt sleeve.

Scott and Beth said...

Question: Did you get a picture of the moose?

daniel said...

did you realize the "company" you work for has an "educational" program called "the scoop on poop"?

you may want to check their credentialing.

Scott and Beth said...

It has been a week since your last update...

Scott and Beth said...

Scott said "Jonathan's stupid! Get off the boat and update your blog."

Scott and Beth said...

What is wrong with you?!?!? Are you ever going to update?

Scott and Beth said...

Is your computer broken?